Promoting Democratic engagement through Mobile participation
The project
PRODEMO is a project co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) program of the European Union, to improve the awareness on EU citizenship rights and inclusion of mobile EU citizens.
The free movement of persons is a cornerstone of the European Union, established by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992. Today the EU counts more than 17 million citizens who moved to another Member State to work, study or retire and who are eligible to vote in European Parliament and municipal elections.

Full inclusion of these citizens, and therefore the successful of the EU Citizenship, is determined by the extent to which they are aware of their rights and obligations and are encouraged to participate in local civic and political life. However many mobile European citizens are not aware of their electoral rights, and even when they are aware and decide to participate in elections they face a various range of challenges, such as the need for active registration, deadlines, additional administrative burdens like annual renewal of registration or the need to apply for ballots.
Our Approach
We aim to promote the political participation and civic engagement of mobile EU citizens in Italy, Portugal and Belgium not only by directly involving them, but also by targeting those entities that have the potential to support them, i.e. public authorities and civil society organizations.
We pursue our objective through a multifaceted approach, by implementing 4 core activities:
Research and identification of good practices
Information and awareness-raising
Capacity building
Civic engagement through digital mobile tools
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Co-funded by the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Programme of the European Union

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