Mobile App survey
PRODEMO (Promoting Democratic Engagement through Mobile Participation) is a project co-funded by the “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” program of the European Union and implemented by La Sapienza University of Rome, Progeu – Progress in European Union, Programma Integra società cooperativa sociale, The Democratic Society AISBL and the Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES) of the University of Coimbra.
PRODEMO project aims to improve the awareness on EU citizenship rights and the inclusion of the ‘mobile European citizens’ i.e. EU citizens who live in a Member State other than the one of which they hold the citizenship.
The project consortium will develop and test a mobile app to provide information and increase the civic and political engagement of mobile EU citizens.
The app shall include two sections:
1. the first will provide information on political rights, elections and procedures for mobile EU citizens to vote and stand as a candidate in local and European elections;
2. the second section will provide a section where citizens will be able to highlight problems and interact.
We invite you to take this short survey to help us develop a coherent and functional product.